pregunta por Ken

5 Rules For Working From Home
You're working from home for the foreseeable future. The good news is that your four legged fur friend won't be giving you side eye when you heat up fish in the microwave. Working from home can be incredibly stress reducing and productive for you and your employer.
It's not hard to appreciate the clear minded freedom of working in an atmosphere narrated by our own musical playlist, coffee on demand and a less is more dress code. Being free of your supervisor hovering at your desk is sure to bring down your heart rate.
Keeping calm and carrying on is a wonderful mantra and here are 5 quick tips to help you make this a reality.
1. Set A Realistic Routine And Be Present.
Most employers expect you to work for a set number of hours with set goals. Yes it sounds obvious but you need to be present and available during work hours to achieve these goals. Ghosting your co-workers and supervisors is not an option.
Start your day by checking with your supervisor via chat or email. It's vital that you are seen as responsive, proactive and adding value to the team throughout the day. In simple terms, if you working 9 to 5 ensure you're actively answering emails, phone and intra-company chats during that entire time.
2. Set Ground Rules About Your Workspace
There are many perks to working from home that can actually make you highly productive. If your children, partner or roommate will be sharing your workspace it's time to sit down and set your expectations. Noise and intrusion of your physical workspace need to be addressed including the use of television, music and who will be moving through or sharing your new office.
Simply put you're not at home to cook, clean or offer daycare or petcare services. Outline your daily routine to anyone who will be in your new office and stick to your routine.
4. Take Scheduled Breaks
Studies have shown that many people working from home shortchange themselves on the breaks they would normally take while in the office. Schedule your lunch and coffee breaks and be sure to actually take them. Breaks are vital to your mental and physical health, allowing you time to decompress and regenerate. Your good health is vital to your work attitude and therefore to your employer.
*Be sure to let your co-workers know you're going on a break and mark yourself away on any chat programs with an expected return time.
5. Take a Hike!
Your momma always told you the fresh air will do you good so get outside on your break. You're now working and living in the same space so a walk around the block or some quiet time in your garden or condo's roof deck is a great way to refresh your mind.
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